We continue with our project and thanks to it we can relate it to other issues such as continents and cultural diversity.
In an assembly, where we work on the types of ants that exist, we ended up talking about cultural diversity. The children saw that just as there are many ants with small differences, the same thing happens with people. We are all the same but with small differences, whether by place of origin, culture, language, etc ...
Cultural diversity has been worked on for several weeks. We started to see a map with the continents, then, with the collaboration of the families, we worked on the different languages, typical meals, dances, songs, etc ... And finally, they made a map with mud, where they are all continents and posters with the names of all of them.
In an assembly, where we work on the types of ants that exist, we ended up talking about cultural diversity. The children saw that just as there are many ants with small differences, the same thing happens with people. We are all the same but with small differences, whether by place of origin, culture, language, etc ...
Cultural diversity has been worked on for several weeks. We started to see a map with the continents, then, with the collaboration of the families, we worked on the different languages, typical meals, dances, songs, etc ... And finally, they made a map with mud, where they are all continents and posters with the names of all of them.